Catching Up
This is the first time in a couple of weeks that I've sat down and really wanted to write another weeknote. So here's a quick rundown of what I've been up to:
Went to see Be More Chill at The Other Palace which was an awesome show and I highly recommend!
Had my first session with a new therapist who I really think is great - she's going to help me with a lot of introspection.
Watched Nick play hockey for the first time. One of the guys on his team went over on his ankle and it swelled to double size which was a bit more excitement than I was expecting.
Celebrated Mardi Gras with a jazz concert and pancake party with great friends.
Started learning about test driven development! Managed to write my first unit tests and functions through paired programming which is the start of a small Twitter app. Check out the codebase so far on my GitHub.